
Generate an image of a tarot card. The card is titled 'The Star'. The image on the card displays a luminescent night sky with a grand central star radiating a brilliant light. Below the starry sky, a peaceful landscape unfolds with a lake reflecting the celestial imagery above. On the shore of the lake, a kneeling figure— a Caucasian woman with flowing blond hair, is pouring water from two jugs, one into the lake and one onto the land. Ornate border patterns encircle the entire card, enhancing the mystical aura of the tarot card.

Generate an image of a tarot card. The card is titled 'The Star'. The image on the card displays a luminescent night sky with a grand central star radiating a brilliant light. Below the starry sky, a peaceful landscape unfolds with a lake reflecting the celestial imagery above. On the shore of the lake, a kneeling figure— a Caucasian woman with flowing blond hair, is pouring water from two jugs, one into the lake and one onto the land. Ornate border patterns encircle the entire card, enhancing the mystical aura of the tarot card.


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