Is Trevor gonna brake up with me over my love text message?

Depict an interpretive tarot card image. On it, illustrate a scene showing a phone screen displaying a heart symbol, implying a love text message. Nearby, show a male figure, symbolising 'Trevor', in a contemplative pose, reflecting uncertainty. The overall mood should be of doubt and anticipation, but still not give a definitive answer, respecting the mysterious nature of tarot cards. Please ensure that no text is in the image.

Depict an interpretive tarot card image. On it, illustrate a scene showing a phone screen displaying a heart symbol, implying a love text message. Nearby, show a male figure, symbolising 'Trevor', in a contemplative pose, reflecting uncertainty. The overall mood should be of doubt and anticipation, but still not give a definitive answer, respecting the mysterious nature of tarot cards. Please ensure that no text is in the image.

Is Trevor gonna brake up with me over my love text message?

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