Y so long 

Create an image of an intricate tarot card. The foreground should feature a powerful figure, perhaps an East Asian woman seen in a majestic, regal attire with an aura of mystery and wisdom about her. The background should be vibrant, and filled with celestial bodies, arcane symbols, and soft, ethereal flora. The color palette should correspond to a pastel spectrum, with a gentle combination of blues, purples, greens, and touches of gold. The card should be rich in details and laden with symbolic imagery representing balance, power, wisdom, and spiritual journey.

Create an image of an intricate tarot card. The foreground should feature a powerful figure, perhaps an East Asian woman seen in a majestic, regal attire with an aura of mystery and wisdom about her. The background should be vibrant, and filled with celestial bodies, arcane symbols, and soft, ethereal flora. The color palette should correspond to a pastel spectrum, with a gentle combination of blues, purples, greens, and touches of gold. The card should be rich in details and laden with symbolic imagery representing balance, power, wisdom, and spiritual journey.

Y so long

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