What is the next step in my spiritual journey?

Generate an image of a tarot card. The card is numbered seven and is from the suite of cups. The scene on the card illustrates an individual standing at the edge of a creek, gazing at seven floating cups. Each cup contains a different object: a castle, a jewel, a snake, a mask, a cloaked figure, a dragon and a golden chalice. The individual is a young male of Middle-Eastern descent, clothed in long, flowing garments. The background is a serene countryside scene, filled with lush trees, soaring mountains, and a vividly colored sunset.

Generate an image of a tarot card. The card is numbered seven and is from the suite of cups. The scene on the card illustrates an individual standing at the edge of a creek, gazing at seven floating cups. Each cup contains a different object: a castle, a jewel, a snake, a mask, a cloaked figure, a dragon and a golden chalice. The individual is a young male of Middle-Eastern descent, clothed in long, flowing garments. The background is a serene countryside scene, filled with lush trees, soaring mountains, and a vividly colored sunset.

What is the next step in my spiritual journey?

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