Does my boyfriend love me?

Imagine a tarot card conveying the theme of love without any text. In the center, there is a man with South Asian descent with the essence of fondness in his eyes. He is reaching out to a brightly shining heart floating in the air. On the other side of the card, a woman of Hispanic descent looks on with anticipation. They are both surrounded by a halo of beautiful flowers and hearts. The style takes inspiration from 15th century Romantic era paintings, embracing the symbolism and grandeur of that time but in vibrant, modern colors.

Imagine a tarot card conveying the theme of love without any text. In the center, there is a man with South Asian descent with the essence of fondness in his eyes. He is reaching out to a brightly shining heart floating in the air. On the other side of the card, a woman of Hispanic descent looks on with anticipation. They are both surrounded by a halo of beautiful flowers and hearts. The style takes inspiration from 15th century Romantic era paintings, embracing the symbolism and grandeur of that time but in vibrant, modern colors.

Does my boyfriend love me?

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