How can I find a balance between giving and receiving?

Imagine a tarot card visualizing the theme of balance between giving and receiving. At the center, there's a pair of balanced scales. One side of the scale holds a golden gift box, symbolizing giving, while the other holds open hands, symbolizing receiving. Both sides are perfectly balanced. Above the scales, an owl, a symbol of wisdom, hovers, as if guiding to achieve this balance. The background consists of a harmony of day and night, half bathed in sunlight, and half in moonlight. There's an underlying aura of tranquility and harmony with no written texts whatsoever.

Imagine a tarot card visualizing the theme of balance between giving and receiving. At the center, there's a pair of balanced scales. One side of the scale holds a golden gift box, symbolizing giving, while the other holds open hands, symbolizing receiving. Both sides are perfectly balanced. Above the scales, an owl, a symbol of wisdom, hovers, as if guiding to achieve this balance. The background consists of a harmony of day and night, half bathed in sunlight, and half in moonlight. There's an underlying aura of tranquility and harmony with no written texts whatsoever.

How can I find a balance between giving and receiving?

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