What is my Zodiac sign

A tarot card design relevant to the theme of zodiac signs. The card has an intricate border. At the upper part, there are 12 different symbols subtly embedded, each representing a different zodiac sign. In the center, is the picture of the zodiac wheel with 12 distinct sections representing each zodiac sign, starting from Aries and ending with Pisces. On the two sides, are themes reflecting the nature of the zodiac - elements (earth, water, air and fire), and modalities (cardinal, fixed and mutable). Excluding any text in the composition.

A tarot card design relevant to the theme of zodiac signs. The card has an intricate border. At the upper part, there are 12 different symbols subtly embedded, each representing a different zodiac sign. In the center, is the picture of the zodiac wheel with 12 distinct sections representing each zodiac sign, starting from Aries and ending with Pisces. On the two sides, are themes reflecting the nature of the zodiac - elements (earth, water, air and fire), and modalities (cardinal, fixed and mutable). Excluding any text in the composition.

What is my Zodiac sign

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