I suspect that my husband is cheating on me/seeing someone. I’d like to know if that’s true.

Visualize a tarot card. It has an intricate, decorative border framing the image in the center. The main symbol of the card is a grand, well-lit lighthouse standing proudly against a dark navy blue sky, symbolizing guidance and protection. Aquatic creatures and corals of all sorts dance in the spiraling waves at the bottom, signifying emotional depth and intuition. Across the top is the Roman numeral 'XIX', and at the bottom of the card, in stylized, elegant but readable characters, is the label 'The Lighthouse'.

Visualize a tarot card. It has an intricate, decorative border framing the image in the center. The main symbol of the card is a grand, well-lit lighthouse standing proudly against a dark navy blue sky, symbolizing guidance and protection. Aquatic creatures and corals of all sorts dance in the spiraling waves at the bottom, signifying emotional depth and intuition. Across the top is the Roman numeral 'XIX', and at the bottom of the card, in stylized, elegant but readable characters, is the label 'The Lighthouse'.

I suspect that my husband is cheating on me/seeing someone. I’d like to know if that’s true.

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