What is my future?

Generate an image of a tarot card: The Magician. The card depicts a fair Caucasian man wearing a vibrant red robe decorated with alchemic symbols holding a wand against a blue sky backdrop. In front of him, on a stone table, lie a cup, pentacle, and a sword. The infinity symbol floats above his head. A wild garden full of blooming flowers and greenery surrounds the stone table.

Generate an image of a tarot card: The Magician. The card depicts a fair Caucasian man wearing a vibrant red robe decorated with alchemic symbols holding a wand against a blue sky backdrop. In front of him, on a stone table, lie a cup, pentacle, and a sword. The infinity symbol floats above his head. A wild garden full of blooming flowers and greenery surrounds the stone table.

What is my future?

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