How can I cultivate a more positive outlook on life?

Generate a detailed tarot card symbolizing a more positive outlook on life without any text. The card should display a vibrant and colourful sunrise over a peaceful lush meadow, with radiant beams of light piercing through the dew-kissed leaves of a majestic oak tree. On the foreground, depict a diverse group of individuals (a Caucasian woman, a Black man, and a Middle-Eastern child) collectively nurturing a vibrant mix of blooming flowers. Intertwined around their pant legs, show an array of playful animals including a rabbit, a squirrel, and a butterfly.

Generate a detailed tarot card symbolizing a more positive outlook on life without any text. The card should display a vibrant and colourful sunrise over a peaceful lush meadow, with radiant beams of light piercing through the dew-kissed leaves of a majestic oak tree. On the foreground, depict a diverse group of individuals (a Caucasian woman, a Black man, and a Middle-Eastern child) collectively nurturing a vibrant mix of blooming flowers. Intertwined around their pant legs, show an array of playful animals including a rabbit, a squirrel, and a butterfly.

How can I cultivate a more positive outlook on life?

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