Am I a Pisces ♓ sun moon and rising

Generate an image of a detailed tarot card that represents the astrological zodiac sign of Pisces. The card should encapsulate characteristics typically ascribed to a person with a Pisces sun, moon, and rising sign. Envision symbols of the Pisces such as fish, water, the moon, and symbols correlating with ascendant traits in the astrological zodiac, but let the image be completely absent of any text. Incorporate a tranquil color scheme to reflect the nature of the Pisces sign.

Generate an image of a detailed tarot card that represents the astrological zodiac sign of Pisces. The card should encapsulate characteristics typically ascribed to a person with a Pisces sun, moon, and rising sign. Envision symbols of the Pisces such as fish, water, the moon, and symbols correlating with ascendant traits in the astrological zodiac, but let the image be completely absent of any text. Incorporate a tranquil color scheme to reflect the nature of the Pisces sign.

Am I a Pisces ♓ sun moon and rising

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