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Generate an image of a tarot card. The card depicts a garden at twilight, with a full moon hovering in the cloudless sky. A stone path winds its way through the garden, leading to an ancient oak tree in the distance. In the foreground, there are three cups filled with shimmering light representing emotion, intuition, and creative potential. The border of the card is adorned with intricate patterns of vines and flowers, reflecting the natural theme of the image. The card represents growth and potential, and it radiates an aura of serene calmness.

Generate an image of a tarot card. The card depicts a garden at twilight, with a full moon hovering in the cloudless sky. A stone path winds its way through the garden, leading to an ancient oak tree in the distance. In the foreground, there are three cups filled with shimmering light representing emotion, intuition, and creative potential. The border of the card is adorned with intricate patterns of vines and flowers, reflecting the natural theme of the image. The card represents growth and potential, and it radiates an aura of serene calmness.

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