Will my health improve?

Generate an exquisitely detailed image of a tarot card. The card should be prominently featured in a vertical orientation, its borders ornately embellished with a golden scrollwork design. The card is the 'Star', one of the major Arcana. The imagery on the card should be traditional; a young, Caucasian, female figure stands near a still body of water, under a star-filled night sky. She is holding two water pitchers, one in each hand, pouring the water from one pitcher into the pool and from the other onto the land. Let the picture be rich in symbolic elements, such as lush flowers, and a bird perched on a tree.

Generate an exquisitely detailed image of a tarot card. The card should be prominently featured in a vertical orientation, its borders ornately embellished with a golden scrollwork design. The card is the 'Star', one of the major Arcana. The imagery on the card should be traditional; a young, Caucasian, female figure stands near a still body of water, under a star-filled night sky. She is holding two water pitchers, one in each hand, pouring the water from one pitcher into the pool and from the other onto the land. Let the picture be rich in symbolic elements, such as lush flowers, and a bird perched on a tree.

Will my health improve?

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