What opportunities should I be on the lookout for?

Design a tarot card that represents the theme: 'What opportunities should I be on the lookout for?' The card should be filled with visual cues, signifying opportunities waiting to be discovered. Symbols such as doors opening, roads diverging in a forest, or a treasure chest partially buried could be used. Also incorporate bright colors to signify optimism and hope. Make it in the style of digital art and ensure there is no text in the image.

Design a tarot card that represents the theme: 'What opportunities should I be on the lookout for?' The card should be filled with visual cues, signifying opportunities waiting to be discovered. Symbols such as doors opening, roads diverging in a forest, or a treasure chest partially buried could be used. Also incorporate bright colors to signify optimism and hope. Make it in the style of digital art and ensure there is no text in the image.

What opportunities should I be on the lookout for?

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