What is the best way to approach a new venture or project?

Create a tarot card style image that represents the concept of approaching a new venture or project. The image should contain symbolic elements such as a paved road leading towards a rising sun, depicting a new beginning. Also, include a figure who stands at the start of this road holding a map and a lantern, symbolizing planning and guidance. Add an owl on the figure's shoulder representing wisdom. The background sky should transition from dark to light, showing change, growth, and development. Remember, there should be no text in the image.

Create a tarot card style image that represents the concept of approaching a new venture or project. The image should contain symbolic elements such as a paved road leading towards a rising sun, depicting a new beginning. Also, include a figure who stands at the start of this road holding a map and a lantern, symbolizing planning and guidance. Add an owl on the figure's shoulder representing wisdom. The background sky should transition from dark to light, showing change, growth, and development. Remember, there should be no text in the image.

What is the best way to approach a new venture or project?

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