What is the next step in my spiritual journey?

An atmospheric and symbolic tarot card representing the concept 'What is the next step in my spiritual journey?' Established elements that convey spiritual journey could include a winding path heading towards a rising sun, the representation of an open door, or a figure stepping on a bridge. Infuse the scene with mystical symbolism such as vibrant celestial bodies, radiant light, distinctively shaped trees, or ethereal animals. Please ensure there is no text included in the image.

An atmospheric and symbolic tarot card representing the concept 'What is the next step in my spiritual journey?' Established elements that convey spiritual journey could include a winding path heading towards a rising sun, the representation of an open door, or a figure stepping on a bridge. Infuse the scene with mystical symbolism such as vibrant celestial bodies, radiant light, distinctively shaped trees, or ethereal animals. Please ensure there is no text included in the image.

What is the next step in my spiritual journey?

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