Create an intricate illustration of a tarot card. The card should be upright, displaying a brilliant sun rising over a peaceful ocean. A pearl white boat sails beneath the sun, guided by a woman of South Asian descent with fiery red hair, dressed in a flowing turquoise dress. The four corners of the card are decorated with symbols related to water and sunlight. The card's name 'The Voyage' is embellished in elegant golden letters at the bottom. The overall design should be inspired by the detailed, symbolic style of traditional tarot cards.

Create an intricate illustration of a tarot card. The card should be upright, displaying a brilliant sun rising over a peaceful ocean. A pearl white boat sails beneath the sun, guided by a woman of South Asian descent with fiery red hair, dressed in a flowing turquoise dress. The four corners of the card are decorated with symbols related to water and sunlight. The card's name 'The Voyage' is embellished in elegant golden letters at the bottom. The overall design should be inspired by the detailed, symbolic style of traditional tarot cards.


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