What is the best way to approach a new venture or project?

Depict an image of a tarot card that symbolizes the best way to approach a new venture or project. It should have a youthful female figure, Caucasian, studying a blueprint with serious dedication at a desk, symbolizing planning and foresight. On the other side of the card, depict a middle-aged Hispanic male figure, venturing into a lush forest trail with a compass, symbolizing adventure and navigation. Let this be under a sky transitioning from day to night, representing the passage of time and persistence. Ensure there are no text elements in the image.

Depict an image of a tarot card that symbolizes the best way to approach a new venture or project. It should have a youthful female figure, Caucasian, studying a blueprint with serious dedication at a desk, symbolizing planning and foresight. On the other side of the card, depict a middle-aged Hispanic male figure, venturing into a lush forest trail with a compass, symbolizing adventure and navigation. Let this be under a sky transitioning from day to night, representing the passage of time and persistence. Ensure there are no text elements in the image.

What is the best way to approach a new venture or project?

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