Do I have friend 

Please create an image that represents a symbolic tarot card on the theme of friendship. The card should show two hands interlocked with each other in a show of unity. Around them, there are symbols of trust and companionship, such as a pair of swallow birds flying together, a well-travelled path through green woods and a bright shining sun reflecting their bond. Remember, there must be no text on the card, only these symbolic images.

Please create an image that represents a symbolic tarot card on the theme of friendship. The card should show two hands interlocked with each other in a show of unity. Around them, there are symbols of trust and companionship, such as a pair of swallow birds flying together, a well-travelled path through green woods and a bright shining sun reflecting their bond. Remember, there must be no text on the card, only these symbolic images.

Do I have friend

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