Anime Girl White: Envision an anime girl drawn in anime art style with china-white skin and captivating scarlet eyes, framed by cascading waves of silver hair. She is clad in a flowing, Aegean-inspired toga, its pristine white hue dramatically contrasted with a golden belt cinching her waist. Chains of delicate pearls cascade from wrist to elbow on her arms like divine restraints. Her feathery white, winged sandals give the illusion of her being a celestial entity."

Anime Girl White: Envision an anime girl drawn in anime art style with china-white skin and captivating scarlet eyes, framed by cascading waves of silver hair. She is clad in a flowing, Aegean-inspired toga, its pristine white hue dramatically contrasted with a golden belt cinching her waist. Chains of delicate pearls cascade from wrist to elbow on her arms like divine restraints. Her feathery white, winged sandals give the illusion of her being a celestial entity."

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