Anime Boy Drawing: An anime boy drawn in an anime art style, meditating under a blooming cherry blossom tree in a tranquil garden. His hair is as white as snow, kept long and braided loosely over one shoulder. His narrowed violet eyes show his calm temperament. He is clothed in simple, earth-toned monk robes, which are draped loosely over his slim physique. Exquisite prayer beads wrap around his left wrist, each bead carved delicately. You can see his bare feet peeking out from under his robes, connecting him physically to the earth below.

Anime Boy Drawing: An anime boy drawn in an anime art style, meditating under a blooming cherry blossom tree in a tranquil garden. His hair is as white as snow, kept long and braided loosely over one shoulder. His narrowed violet eyes show his calm temperament. He is clothed in simple, earth-toned monk robes, which are draped loosely over his slim physique. Exquisite prayer beads wrap around his left wrist, each bead carved delicately. You can see his bare feet peeking out from under his robes, connecting him physically to the earth below.

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