Anime Boy X Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, making a heart with his hands and a blush on his cheeks as he is looking at a girl with adoration. Both characters should have shoulder-length, soft blue hair styled with natural waves. They both have vibrant, emerald green eyes and a soft, fair complexion. The anime boy, with lean physique and typical anime features, is wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt tucked into a pair of black, slim fitted jeans with dark brown boots. The girl is in a long, pastel pink dress, elegantly shaped to her figure with white, lace on the borders. The backdrop is a charming park at sunset, with vivid hues of orange, red, and pink filling the sky. Sakura tree blooms are gently falling around them.

A scene in the style of anime: a boy and girl character each with shoulder-length, gently wavy blue hair and bright, emerald green eyes against fair skin. The boy, with a slender build, is seen making a heart with his hands, a blush on his cheeks, and an adoring gaze towards the girl. He wears a white, long-sleeved shirt tucked into black, slim-fit jeans, with dark brown boots. The girl is dressed in a long, pastel pink dress, which skims her figure, adorned with white lace on the rims. The backdrop is a picturesque park at sunset with a spectrum of orange, red and pink paints the sky. They stand amidst a shower of sakura tree petals gently falling around.

A scene in the style of anime: a boy and girl character each with shoulder-length, gently wavy blue hair and bright, emerald green eyes against fair skin. The boy, with a slender build, is seen making a heart with his hands, a blush on his cheeks, and an adoring gaze towards the girl. He wears a white, long-sleeved shirt tucked into black, slim-fit jeans, with dark brown boots. The girl is dressed in a long, pastel pink dress, which skims her figure, adorned with white lace on the rims. The backdrop is a picturesque park at sunset with a spectrum of orange, red and pink paints the sky. They stand amidst a shower of sakura tree petals gently falling around.

Anime Boy X Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, making a heart with his hands and a blush on his cheeks as he is looking at a girl with adoration. Both characters should have shoulder-length, soft blue hair styled with natural waves. They both have vibrant, emerald green eyes and a soft, fair complexion. The anime boy, with lean physique and typical anime features, is wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt tucked into a pair of black, slim fitted jeans with dark brown boots. The girl is in a long, pastel pink dress, elegantly shaped to her figure with white, lace on the borders. The backdrop is a charming park at sunset, with vivid hues of orange, red, and pink filling the sky. Sakura tree blooms are gently falling around them.

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