Anime girl drawn in anime style, an adventurous 18-year-old pirate docked at a bustling seaside town during golden hour. Her hair, dyed in hues of sunset orange, is worn down in windswept waves. Her mischievous amber eyes contrast with her sun-tanned skin. She's dressed in a combination of a cropped, white, poofy blouse with a leather corset, frilled skirt, and tall brown boots. A bejewelled cutlass hangs from her gem-studded belt. Her dynamic pose exhibits her fearless, go-getter personality. Sea-themed tattoos are present on one of her arms, and her free hand is resting on the hilt of her cutlass.

Anime girl drawn in anime style, an adventurous 18-year-old pirate docked at a bustling seaside town during golden hour. Her hair, dyed in hues of sunset orange, is worn down in windswept waves. Her mischievous amber eyes contrast with her sun-tanned skin. She's dressed in a combination of a cropped, white, poofy blouse with a leather corset, frilled skirt, and tall brown boots. A bejewelled cutlass hangs from her gem-studded belt. Her dynamic pose exhibits her fearless, go-getter personality. Sea-themed tattoos are present on one of her arms, and her free hand is resting on the hilt of her cutlass.

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