Anime Boy In Coffin: Captivate with a scene of an anime boy drawn in anime art style, resting peacefully in a wooden coffin held aloft by ghostly white trees, in a surrealist forest shimmering under ethereal midnight-blue sky. The anime boy has flame-red hair that stands out dramatically against his pearlescent skin and shut sea-green eyes. He is dressed in an antique gold and rust-colored suit, adorned with brilliantly embroidered patterns, and the matching boots add a dash of elegance to the outfit. A leather belt with an intricate brass buckle cinches his waist. His lifeless hands clutch an unusual clock, symbolic of frozen time.

Portray a scene of a young male character drawn in a Japanese animation style, with peacefull expression, resting inside a wooden coffin which is elevated by spectral trees that have a ghostly white color, located in a forest that features surrealistic qualities and that glistens under a mystical, midnight-blue sky. The character's hair has the color of roaring fire, creating a striking contrast with his pale, moon-like complexion and his closed eyes that appear to be the color of the deep sea. He sports an antiquated suit of gold and rust hues, elaborately stitched with bright patterns, and wears matching boots that add a touch of sophistication to his attire. A leather belt equipped with an elaborate brass buckle is fastened around his waist. His still hands tightly grip an uncommon timepiece, a symbolic depiction of time coming to a standstill.

Portray a scene of a young male character drawn in a Japanese animation style, with peacefull expression, resting inside a wooden coffin which is elevated by spectral trees that have a ghostly white color, located in a forest that features surrealistic qualities and that glistens under a mystical, midnight-blue sky. The character's hair has the color of roaring fire, creating a striking contrast with his pale, moon-like complexion and his closed eyes that appear to be the color of the deep sea. He sports an antiquated suit of gold and rust hues, elaborately stitched with bright patterns, and wears matching boots that add a touch of sophistication to his attire. A leather belt equipped with an elaborate brass buckle is fastened around his waist. His still hands tightly grip an uncommon timepiece, a symbolic depiction of time coming to a standstill.

Anime Boy In Coffin: Captivate with a scene of an anime boy drawn in anime art style, resting peacefully in a wooden coffin held aloft by ghostly white trees, in a surrealist forest shimmering under ethereal midnight-blue sky. The anime boy has flame-red hair that stands out dramatically against his pearlescent skin and shut sea-green eyes. He is dressed in an antique gold and rust-colored suit, adorned with brilliantly embroidered patterns, and the matching boots add a dash of elegance to the outfit. A leather belt with an intricate brass buckle cinches his waist. His lifeless hands clutch an unusual clock, symbolic of frozen time.

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