Anime Girl Mad: An anime girl in anime art style is captured in the light of a bustling night city. Her metallic silver hair falls in loose waves, striking against stormy gray eyes filled with ferocity. She adorns a luxurious velvet blazer in midnight blue paired with a pearl-beaded bustier, the textures contrasting in an enticing way. A matching mini skirt is complemented by provocative knee-high laced boots, adding an overwhelming touch to her incensed demeanor.

Anime Girl Mad: An anime girl in anime art style is captured in the light of a bustling night city. Her metallic silver hair falls in loose waves, striking against stormy gray eyes filled with ferocity. She adorns a luxurious velvet blazer in midnight blue paired with a pearl-beaded bustier, the textures contrasting in an enticing way. A matching mini skirt is complemented by provocative knee-high laced boots, adding an overwhelming touch to her incensed demeanor.

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