Modern Arabic majlis with luxurious fabrics, intricate patterns, and traditional seating.

Design a scene of a modern Arabic majlis. The room should be decorated with luxurious fabrics in rich hues, featuring intricate and traditional Arabesque patterns. Traditional Arabic seating arrangements like low sofas or diwaniya should be incorporated. The space should echo modernity while still preserving the essence of Arabic culture. Include decor pieces like ornate lanterns and metalwork to enhance aesthetic appeal.

Design a scene of a modern Arabic majlis. The room should be decorated with luxurious fabrics in rich hues, featuring intricate and traditional Arabesque patterns. Traditional Arabic seating arrangements like low sofas or diwaniya should be incorporated. The space should echo modernity while still preserving the essence of Arabic culture. Include decor pieces like ornate lanterns and metalwork to enhance aesthetic appeal.

Modern Arabic majlis with luxurious fabrics, intricate patterns, and traditional seating.

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