Cozy treehouse

Create an image in 2D side view cross section of a cozy treehouse interior. The treehouse is nestled comfortably in the branches of a great tree. Inside, soft golden light filters through the small windows illuminating the snug living area consisting of a small sofa, a wooden coffee table, a few bookshelves and round, wooden walls. There's a well-equipped kitchenette, a tiny, yet functional bathroom and a loft area with a comfortable bed. Scattered around the space are plants adding a dash of green. Little knick-knacks and decorations personalizes the house, making it feel ethereal. The image radiates an aura of warmth and comfort.

Create an image in 2D side view cross section of a cozy treehouse interior. The treehouse is nestled comfortably in the branches of a great tree. Inside, soft golden light filters through the small windows illuminating the snug living area consisting of a small sofa, a wooden coffee table, a few bookshelves and round, wooden walls. There's a well-equipped kitchenette, a tiny, yet functional bathroom and a loft area with a comfortable bed. Scattered around the space are plants adding a dash of green. Little knick-knacks and decorations personalizes the house, making it feel ethereal. The image radiates an aura of warmth and comfort.

Cozy treehouse

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