Anime girl drawn in anime style as a mystical elf with pointed ears and ethereally glowing skin. She stands in an enchanted forest with magical flora surrounding her. Her hair is long, cascading silver waves set with tiny star-shaped hairpins. Her eyes are a mesmerizing violet that holds a hint of mystery and wisdom. Her clothing resembles a dazzling robe made from moonlight, adorned with pentacle necklaces and bracelets, matched with a celestial tiara. Her footwear are a pair of silvery ballet flats. Drawing influences from Celtic mythology, she also carries a magical staff etched with ancient runes. It is a crisp spring night, magical flowers surrounding her are in full bloom. She possesses a serene demeanor, and carries a gentle smile, resonating her kind-hearted personality. Age: around 200 years but appears 20 in human years.

Anime girl drawn in anime style as a mystical elf with pointed ears and ethereally glowing skin. She stands in an enchanted forest with magical flora surrounding her. Her hair is long, cascading silver waves set with tiny star-shaped hairpins. Her eyes are a mesmerizing violet that holds a hint of mystery and wisdom. Her clothing resembles a dazzling robe made from moonlight, adorned with pentacle necklaces and bracelets, matched with a celestial tiara. Her footwear are a pair of silvery ballet flats. Drawing influences from Celtic mythology, she also carries a magical staff etched with ancient runes. It is a crisp spring night, magical flowers surrounding her are in full bloom. She possesses a serene demeanor, and carries a gentle smile, resonating her kind-hearted personality. Age: around 200 years but appears 20 in human years.

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