Anime Boy Girl: An anime boy drawn in anime art style prone on a grassy hillock, pointing out constellations to an anime girl. He has wavy, red hair, reaching up to his shoulders, which shine under the moonlight. His ocean blue eyes twinkle as he gazes upwards, reflecting the stars. He is wearing a half-sleeved white shirt with an open collar, a pair of dark denim shorts held with a brown leather belt. His bare feet touch the dewy grass. A silver locket with a comet emblem around his neck adds an element of interest.

Anime Boy Girl: An anime boy drawn in anime art style prone on a grassy hillock, pointing out constellations to an anime girl. He has wavy, red hair, reaching up to his shoulders, which shine under the moonlight. His ocean blue eyes twinkle as he gazes upwards, reflecting the stars. He is wearing a half-sleeved white shirt with an open collar, a pair of dark denim shorts held with a brown leather belt. His bare feet touch the dewy grass. A silver locket with a comet emblem around his neck adds an element of interest.

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