A man wearing very worn armor. His cloak is dark gray. He has leather armor on his chest and shoulders. His face is very pale and scarred. He has raven black hair and gray eyes. He wields a longsword that is engulfed in red flames.

A male figure, in fantasy art style, donning heavily worn armor. His cloak is shrouded in the depth of dark gray, revealing his scarred and pale-faced appearance beneath. His raven-colored hair contrasts vividly against his light skin, his eyes a deep shade of gray. Leather armor binds his chest and shoulders, shielding him from unseen threats. His hand tightly grips a longsword, its blade fearlessly blazing in red flames. This vanguard standing against an unknown enemy, his aura reflecting the essence of a battle-worn warrior.

A male figure, in fantasy art style, donning heavily worn armor. His cloak is shrouded in the depth of dark gray, revealing his scarred and pale-faced appearance beneath. His raven-colored hair contrasts vividly against his light skin, his eyes a deep shade of gray. Leather armor binds his chest and shoulders, shielding him from unseen threats. His hand tightly grips a longsword, its blade fearlessly blazing in red flames. This vanguard standing against an unknown enemy, his aura reflecting the essence of a battle-worn warrior.

A man wearing very worn armor. His cloak is dark gray. He has leather armor on his chest and shoulders. His face is very pale and scarred. He has raven black hair and gray eyes. He wields a longsword that is engulfed in red flames.

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