A space pirate with a treasure-filled spaceship.

Imagine an enticing scene of a cosplay concept. An East Asian female characterized as a space pirate, donned in dazzling futuristic attire, which includes metallic shoulder pads, high-tech gadgets around her utility belt, neon-colored eye patch, and a high-tech plasma pistol holstered on her side. She stands in the center of her bountiful spaceship, which is packed with overflowing troves of alien treasure - strange jewels that glow in different colors, piles of extraterrestrial gold, and alien artifacts of incomprehensible design. The entire setting is bathed in the eerie light of a nearby nebula, peeking through the spaceship's grand viewport.

Imagine an enticing scene of a cosplay concept. An East Asian female characterized as a space pirate, donned in dazzling futuristic attire, which includes metallic shoulder pads, high-tech gadgets around her utility belt, neon-colored eye patch, and a high-tech plasma pistol holstered on her side. She stands in the center of her bountiful spaceship, which is packed with overflowing troves of alien treasure - strange jewels that glow in different colors, piles of extraterrestrial gold, and alien artifacts of incomprehensible design. The entire setting is bathed in the eerie light of a nearby nebula, peeking through the spaceship's grand viewport.

A space pirate with a treasure-filled spaceship.

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