Kobold with huge boobs

An image in the style of pixel art, showcasing a humanoid kobold character. The kobold is distinguished by its reptilian features such as scaly skin, long pointed ears, and bright eyes. The character shows off its chiseled physique, with a prominent chest that's emphasised with a harness or armor. The character should have the traditional kobold characteristics like being small-sized with a tail and having a green-blue skin tone.

An image in the style of pixel art, showcasing a humanoid kobold character. The kobold is distinguished by its reptilian features such as scaly skin, long pointed ears, and bright eyes. The character shows off its chiseled physique, with a prominent chest that's emphasised with a harness or armor. The character should have the traditional kobold characteristics like being small-sized with a tail and having a green-blue skin tone.

Kobold with huge boobs

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