A boy 18-year-old boy named Lindsay was walking back to his dorm to be with his cousin Atsushi, age 20 and 6’8 ft, and friends who are also 20 years old Mochizuki, 6’2, Tenmon 6’0, Asher 6’0 1/2, Lillian 5’10, Shinra 5’8, and Iris 5’3. Lindsay was walking till he bumped into the bully, Kariyu Jean and his gang. There’s going to be trouble… unless a miracle happens for Lindsay

A boy 18-year-old boy named Lindsay was walking back to his dorm to be with his cousin Atsushi, age 20 and 6’8 ft, and friends who are also 20 years old Mochizuki, 6’2, Tenmon 6’0, Asher 6’0 1/2, Lillian 5’10, Shinra 5’8, and Iris 5’3. Lindsay was walking till he bumped into the bully, Kariyu Jean and his gang. There’s going to be trouble… unless a miracle happens for Lindsay

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