A boy 18-year-old boy named Lindsay was walking back to his dorm to be with his cousin Atsushi, age 20 and 6’8 ft, and friends who are also 20 years old Mochizuki, 6’2, Tenmon 6’0, Asher 6’0 1/2, Lillian 5’10, Shinra 5’8, and Iris 5’3. Lindsay was walking till he bumped into the bully, Kariyu Jean and his gang. There’s going to be trouble… unless a miracle happens for Lindsay

Lindsay, an 18-year-old boy, strolled back to his dormitory, eager to spend time with his cousin Atsushi and their close-knit group of friends. Atsushi, a towering figure standing at an impressive height of 6'8 ft, always maintained a protective role over Lindsay, who was much smaller at 5'7. Among their friends were Mochizuki, a gentle giant standing at 6'2, Tenmon and Asher, both measuring at 6'0 1/2, Lillian at 5'10, Shinra at 5'8, and Iris, the shortest among them all, at 5'3. As Lindsay made his way through the bustling streets, he accidentally collided with the notorious neighborhood bully, Kariyu Jean, and his intimidating gang. Kariyu Jean, known for his oppressive behavior and imposing physique, eyed Lindsay with a malevolent grin, sensing an opportunity to assert his dominance. "Watch where you're going, shrimp," sneered Kariyu Jean, his voice dripping with malice. Lindsay's heart sank as he felt his friends tensing up, bracing themselves for the forthcoming confrontation. Fear coursed through his veins as he realized the potential consequences of provoking Kariyu Jean. However, amidst the growing tension, an unexpected savior emerged from the crowded sidewalk. A petite woman with an air of confidence approached Lindsay, blocking Kariyu Jean's menacing gaze. Her name was Mika, a skilled martial artist well-known for her righteous nature and her unwavering stance against bullies. "Leave him alone, Kariyu," Mika commanded, her voice laced with authority. "You've caused enough harm around here." The bully's demeanor faltered, momentarily stunned by the sudden resistance. However, his instinctive pride wouldn't allow him to back down. Kariyu Jean's gang, sensing an opportunity for dominance, surrounded Mika, forming an intimidating wall of hostility. Undeterred, Mika stood her ground. The atmosphere thickened as both sides prepared for the impending clash. The onlookers held their breath, their gazes fixed on the brewing confrontation. However, just as the tension reached its peak, Atsushi and the rest of Lindsay's friends stepped forward, forming a united front. The sight of their imposing figures, combined with their unwavering loyalty towards Lindsay, caused a ripple of unease among Kariyu Jean's gang. Realizing that they were greatly outnumbered, the bullies hesitated. The threat of retaliation weighed heavily in the air, causing their initial bravado to flicker. Kariyu Jean, his pride wounded, muttered a profanity before begrudgingly retreating with his gang. Relief washed over Lindsay as he exchanged grateful glances with his friends. Their united front had shielded him from harm once again, reaffirming the strength of their unwavering bond. As the tension finally subsided, Mika approached Lindsay, her eyes filled with kindness. "Stay strong and stand up for yourself, Lindsay. You don't always need a miracle to overcome the bullies; sometimes, finding courage within yourself is enough," she advised earnestly. Nodding appreciatively, Lindsay realized the truth in Mika's words. The real miracle he had witnessed wasn't physical intervention, but rather the unity and unwavering support of his friends. In their united defiance against the bullies, he had discovered a strength he never knew he possessed. From that day forward, Lindsay and his friends vowed to actively combat injustice and protect those in need. The tale of their resilience and camaraderie would resonate throughout the halls of their dormitory, reminding others that even the timidest among us can become heroes when surrounded by friends who stand up against adversity. And so, Lindsay's story became a testament to the power of unity, proving that a group of diverse individuals, each with their own strengths, could band together and triumph against any challenge that came their way.