She woke up her memories hazy she seemed to be floating in some sort of goo her boyfriend looked up at her and said I’m sorry but I’ll do anything for money a man in a lab coat entered the room pushing her boyfriend out and said now that I have somebody to expirement on your services are no longer needed but what about the money he yelled the man just smiled and said do you want to be in the tank then he turned to the girl saying what will happen to you won’t be present but you have no choice he left the room and as a cold liquid wat put in the goo with her

She woke up her memories hazy she seemed to be floating in some sort of goo her boyfriend looked up at her and said I’m sorry but I’ll do anything for money a man in a lab coat entered the room pushing her boyfriend out and said now that I have somebody to expirement on your services are no longer needed but what about the money he yelled the man just smiled and said do you want to be in the tank then he turned to the girl saying what will happen to you won’t be present but you have no choice he left the room and as a cold liquid wat put in the goo with her

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