She woke up her memories hazy she seemed to be floating in some sort of goo her boyfriend looked up at her and said I’m sorry but I’ll do anything for money a man in a lab coat entered the room pushing her boyfriend out and said now that I have somebody to expirement on your services are no longer needed but what about the money he yelled the man just smiled and said do you want to be in the tank then he turned to the girl saying what will happen to you won’t be present but you have no choice he left the room and as a cold liquid wat put in the goo with her

She woke up, her memories hazy and her surroundings unfamiliar. As she tried to make sense of where she was, she realized she was floating in some sort of goo. Panic set in as she struggled to move, her heart racing in fear. Her boyfriend was there, looking down at her with a mixture of regret and guilt in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the liquid surrounding them. "I'll do anything for money." Confusion clouded her mind as she tried to piece together what was happening. Before she could protest or ask for an explanation, a man in a white lab coat entered the room. He pushed her boyfriend out, closing the door behind him with a click. "Now that I have somebody to experiment on, your services are no longer needed," the man said with a smile, his eyes cold and calculating. Her boyfriend's protests fell on deaf ears as the man turned to her. "What will happen to you won't be pleasant, but you have no choice," he said matter-of-factly. Before she could respond or protest, he left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts and the cold liquid that was slowly being poured into the goo with her. She tried to scream, but the goo muffled her cries. Fear coursed through her veins as she realized she was powerless to stop whatever was happening to her. The liquid was icy against her skin, sending shivers down her spine as it mingled with the goo and enveloped her in its icy embrace. Minutes turned into hours as she floated in the tank, her mind racing with thoughts of what was to come. Her boyfriend's betrayal echoed in her mind, his words haunting her as she struggled to breathe in the thick liquid that surrounded her. She closed her eyes, trying to block out the terror that threatened to consume her. But no matter how hard she tried to deny it, the truth remained - she was trapped, a pawn in a twisted game she never signed up for. As the hours passed, she felt herself growing weaker, the icy liquid seeping into her pores and chilling her to the core. Her mind drifted in and out of consciousness, her thoughts fragmented and disjointed as she fought to stay awake. Suddenly, a sharp pain cut through the haze, jolting her back to reality. She gasped, feeling as though she was being torn apart from the inside out. Agony seared through her veins, blurring her vision and stealing her breath. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips. The pain was unbearable, a relentless wave of torture that threatened to consume her whole. She thrashed in the goo, her body convulsing uncontrollably as she fought to break free from the prison that held her captive. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the pain subsided. She lay still, panting heavily as she tried to regain her composure. Her body trembled with exhaustion, her mind reeling from the trauma she had just endured. As she lay there, the reality of her situation hit her like a ton of bricks. She was alone, trapped in a tank of goo with no idea of what was to come next. The man in the lab coat had promised her pain, and she had no doubt that he would deliver on his word. But despite the fear that gripped her heart, she refused to give up. With every ounce of strength she could muster, she pushed back against the darkness that threatened to overwhelm her. She refused to be a victim, to be a pawn in someone else's twisted game. As the hours turned into days, she fought to hold onto her sanity. The goo became her prison, but she refused to let it break her spirit. She clung to the hope that one day, she would escape this nightmare and find her way back to the light. And then, one fateful day, the man in the lab coat returned. He opened the tank, his eyes cold and indifferent as he peered down at her. Without a word, he lifted her out of the goo, setting her down on solid ground for the first time in what felt like an eternity. But as she tried to stand, she realized that something was terribly wrong. Her body felt strange, foreign, as though she no longer had control over her own limbs. Panic surged through her veins as she looked down at her hands, only to see that they were not her own. The man in the lab coat smirked, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Congratulations," he said. "You are now one of us." And as the realization of what had been done to her sank in, she knew that her nightmare was far from over. She was no longer herself, no longer human. She was a creation of the man in the lab coat, a twisted experiment born of greed and cruelty. But despite the horror of her new existence, she refused to surrender to despair. She would find a way to escape, to fight back against the man who had stolen her humanity. She would not be a pawn in his game any longer. And so, with every ounce of strength she could muster, she rose to her feet and took a step forward. The path ahead was uncertain, terrifying, but she walked it with a determination that burned brighter than any fear. For she was no longer the girl who had woken up in the tank. She was something new, something different. She was a survivor, a warrior, a force to be reckoned with. And no matter what challenges lay ahead, she knew that she would face them head on, with courage and with hope shining bright in her heart. For she would not be defeated. She would rise, a phoenix from the ashes, and reclaim her true self from the darkness that sought to consume her.