A chibi styled teenage boy with a passion for Mario wearing a Mario hat and some puffy oversized full body pyjamas sleeping nestled directly in the middle of a pile of beanbags, pillows, plushies and blankets with an opening for his head

A kawaii-style illustration of a cute teenage boy of Hispanic descent who loves old-school platform video games. He is dressed in oversized, puffy pyjamas that are reminiscent of a popular red-hatted game character. The pyjamas are designed with a similarly iconic hat. He can be seen resting comfortably in a sea of beanbags, cushions, fluffy toys and soft blankets, creating a little nest with a spot just for his head. The entire scene is a mix of softness, comfort, and youthful enthusiasm.

A kawaii-style illustration of a cute teenage boy of Hispanic descent who loves old-school platform video games. He is dressed in oversized, puffy pyjamas that are reminiscent of a popular red-hatted game character. The pyjamas are designed with a similarly iconic hat. He can be seen resting comfortably in a sea of beanbags, cushions, fluffy toys and soft blankets, creating a little nest with a spot just for his head. The entire scene is a mix of softness, comfort, and youthful enthusiasm.

A chibi styled teenage boy with a passion for Mario wearing a Mario hat and some puffy oversized full body pyjamas sleeping nestled directly in the middle of a pile of beanbags, pillows, plushies and blankets with an opening for his head

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