Kobold. Big boobs.  Sexualized.

Design a fantasy-themed costume inspired by the mythical creature known as a Kobold. It is for a busty female character, depicted in a sensual manner, reminiscent of traditional Japanese animation style. The costume should pay detailed attention to Kobold's distinguishing characteristics such as reptilian skin, small size and pointy ears, but should also reflect an exaggerated feminine form. Remember, despite the sensual nature of the design, the costume should still retain a sense of tastefulness and respect for the character.

Design a fantasy-themed costume inspired by the mythical creature known as a Kobold. It is for a busty female character, depicted in a sensual manner, reminiscent of traditional Japanese animation style. The costume should pay detailed attention to Kobold's distinguishing characteristics such as reptilian skin, small size and pointy ears, but should also reflect an exaggerated feminine form. Remember, despite the sensual nature of the design, the costume should still retain a sense of tastefulness and respect for the character.

Kobold. Big boobs. Sexualized.

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