Kobold. Large breasts

Design a conceptual costume illustrating a modern fantastical theme. The costume is inspired by the mythical creature, the Kobold, known for its distinct reptilian features, gleaming scales, and sharp claws. Add a playful anime touch by including exaggerated proportions, a characteristic often associated with the genre. Ensure this is tastefully done, focusing on overall aesthetics rather than oversexualization. The costume should also contain elements of the Kobold's traditional attire, completing the fantasy-anime crossover concept.

Design a conceptual costume illustrating a modern fantastical theme. The costume is inspired by the mythical creature, the Kobold, known for its distinct reptilian features, gleaming scales, and sharp claws. Add a playful anime touch by including exaggerated proportions, a characteristic often associated with the genre. Ensure this is tastefully done, focusing on overall aesthetics rather than oversexualization. The costume should also contain elements of the Kobold's traditional attire, completing the fantasy-anime crossover concept.

Kobold. Large breasts

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