A superhero with super speed in a dynamic action pose.

Imagine a superhero costume in action. The outfit should reflect the power of super speed. The suit may have elements that allude to this ability, such as designs that evoke movement and speed - perhaps a blur of color like a comet's tail. The superhero should be in a dynamic action pose, suggesting a rapid darting motion, the moment frozen in time as our hero is caught mid-speed. Pay attention to the details - the curve of the muscles, the angle of the limbs, making sure that each element contributes to the overall sense of speed and power.

Imagine a superhero costume in action. The outfit should reflect the power of super speed. The suit may have elements that allude to this ability, such as designs that evoke movement and speed - perhaps a blur of color like a comet's tail. The superhero should be in a dynamic action pose, suggesting a rapid darting motion, the moment frozen in time as our hero is caught mid-speed. Pay attention to the details - the curve of the muscles, the angle of the limbs, making sure that each element contributes to the overall sense of speed and power.

A superhero with super speed in a dynamic action pose.

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