A female unicorn mare with an ashen red coat and a scraggly white mane and her name is blueberry. She wears a cobbled hodgepodge of armored barding, reinforced with third-echelon equipment and boots. Most notably, her armor sports the Opsat from the third echelon and is completely covered in medical bandages from bad burns. Her cutie mark is concealed beneath her armor. a talented mechanic, a fighter, a sharpshooter, a penchant for scavenging, and a talent for singing, diplomacy, and medicine. once burned alive by her so-called friends after being coated in pitch, set ablaze, and thrown into the Grand Canyon. Her magic aura is holy blood red and is a calm and collected individual. Also has the mark of the burned ghost and was born In Eqeustria. A merchant

Blueberry was known far and wide as the toughest unicorn mare in all of Equestria. With her ashen red coat, scraggly white mane, and armored barding, she cut an imposing figure wherever she went. Her armor, a mishmash of third-echelon equipment and bits and pieces scavenged from the wastelands, was a testament to her resourcefulness and skill as a mechanic. But beneath her tough exterior lay a heart of gold. Blueberry was not just a fighter and a sharpshooter, but also a talented healer and diplomat. She had a knack for calming tempers and settling disputes, using her soothing voice and gentle magic to bring peace to those around her. Her talents didn't stop there, however. Blueberry was also known for her beautiful singing voice, which had the power to calm even the most savage beasts. Blueberry's past was a dark and painful one. Once, she had been a carefree unicorn living among friends in a peaceful village. But jealousy and betrayal had turned those friends against her, leading to a cruel and violent attack. Coated in pitch, set ablaze, and thrown into the Grand Canyon, Blueberry had been left for dead. But she had miraculously survived, thanks to her strong will and the help of a kind stranger who nursed her back to health. The burns that covered her body were a constant reminder of her past trauma, but Blueberry refused to let them hold her back. She had embraced her scars, using them as a symbol of her strength and resilience. Her magic aura, a deep shade of holy blood red, radiated power and determination. Despite her tragic past, Blueberry remained a calm and collected individual. She had learned to trust cautiously, but once someone had earned her friendship, she was fiercely loyal. Her mark of the burned ghost was a reminder of the fire that had almost claimed her life, but it was also a symbol of her rebirth and transformation. Blueberry had found a new purpose in life as a merchant, traveling the wastelands in search of rare and valuable items to trade. Her keen eye for scavenging had earned her a reputation as the best in the business, and ponies from all corners of Equestria sought her out for her wares. But it was not just her skills as a merchant that made Blueberry special. It was her kindness, her compassion, and her willingness to help those in need. She had become a beacon of hope in a dark and dangerous world, using her talents for singing, diplomacy, and medicine to bring light to even the bleakest of places. And so, Blueberry continued on her journey, a warrior with a heart of gold, a survivor of the flames, and a symbol of strength and resilience in a world that desperately needed both.