Percy Jackson hypnotised by piper McLean

Percy Jackson had always prided himself on being a demigod who could resist any form of mind control. As the son of Poseidon, the God of the Sea, he possessed an incredible strength of will that made him highly resistant to the tricks of the gods. But Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, had always been a master of manipulating others' emotions. With her charmspeak, she could bend anyone to her will with just a few carefully chosen words. And even though Percy knew he was immune to the powers of most demigods, there was something about Piper's charmspeak that always made him vulnerable. It was a sunny day at Camp Half-Blood when Percy found himself alone with Piper by the lake. They had been spending more time together lately, and Percy couldn't deny that he was starting to develop feelings for her. But he had always been cautious about letting his guard down, especially around someone with such persuasive abilities. "So, Percy," Piper began, her voice laced with an enchanting sweetness. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something." Percy crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. He knew he had to be on guard, but the way Piper's voice sent shivers down his spine made it difficult to stay focused. "What is it, Piper?" he asked, trying to sound unaffected. Piper's blue eyes met his, and Percy felt his heart skip a beat. He knew he had to fight off her charmspeak somehow. "Percy, I want you to close your eyes," she said softly, stepping a little closer. Percy hesitated but decided to play along. He closed his eyes, mentally preparing himself for whatever Piper had in store for him. "Now, Percy, I want you to picture yourself on a beach," Piper continued, her voice soothing and melodic. "Feel the warm sand beneath your feet and the gentle breeze on your face." As Percy imagined the scene, a sense of peace washed over him. He could almost hear the sound of the waves crashing in the distance. "Now, Percy," Piper's voice whispered in his ear, causing goosebumps to spread across his skin. "I want you to imagine falling deeply in love." Percy's eyes shot open. His heart raced, knowing he had to break free from Piper's grasp. He took a deep breath and focused his mind, calling upon the power of his divine heritage. "No, Piper," he said firmly, his voice filled with determination. "I won't let you manipulate me." Piper's eyes widened in surprise. "Percy, I didn't intend to..." But before she could finish her sentence, Percy summoned a wave of water from the lake and sent it crashing towards her. Caught off guard, Piper stumbled backward, breaking the spell she had momentarily placed on him. Percy stood there, panting, still not fully trusting himself. He could see the hurt and confusion in Piper's eyes, and it made his heart ache. But he knew that letting himself be manipulated would only bring pain to both of them in the end. "I'm sorry, Piper," Percy said sincerely, stepping forward. "But I can't let anyone control my emotions. It's too dangerous." Piper nodded, her expression softening. "I understand, Percy. I never meant to hurt you." They stood there for a moment, the tension between them slowly dissipating. Percy realized that although Piper had attempted to charm him, her intentions were not malicious. In fact, she had been trying to show him her own vulnerability, hoping to find a connection with him. "Piper," Percy said, his voice gentle. "Let's start over. No charmspeak, no mind games. Just us, getting to know each other without any outside influences." Piper smiled, her eyes sparkling with newfound hope. "I'd really like that, Percy." And as they walked away from the lake, ready to begin their journey anew, Percy couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, he had found someone who understood him in a way no one else could.