A girl who was kidnapped by her boyfriend and forced to have her memories erased by him then she is knocked out and wakes up as a demon

Elena never thought she could fall in love with someone like him. He was charming, funny, and incredibly handsome. They had been dating for several months, and everything seemed perfect. But little did she know, behind his perfect facade, a darker side lay hidden. One night, as they were walking home from a romantic dinner, Elena's boyfriend suddenly grabbed her and pushed her into a dark alley. Before she could even scream, he had his hand over her mouth, warning her to stay quiet. Panic set in as Elena realized the man she loved was now holding her captive. He revealed his true intentions - he had been planning this all along. He wanted to erase all her memories of him so that she could never leave him. Elena pleaded with him, tears streaming down her face, but he didn't listen. He injected her with a syringe, and everything went black. When Elena woke up, she found herself in a dimly lit room, with no recollection of who she was or how she got there. She felt disoriented and confused, unable to remember even her own name. And then, the pain hit her - memories of her past slowly started to resurface, but they seemed distant and blurry, like fragments of a dream. As she tried to make sense of her situation, she heard a voice in her head. It was dark and menacing, whispering promises of power and vengeance. Elena felt a strange pull towards the voice, as if it was calling out to her, awakening something deep within her. Suddenly, a surge of energy coursed through her, and she felt herself changing. Her once-human form warped and twisted, her skin turning a dark shade of red, her eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. She had become a demon. Terrified and confused, Elena tried to resist the darkness that now consumed her, but it was too late. The demon within her had taken control, driving her to seek revenge on the one who had betrayed her and stolen her memories. She broke free from the room where she had been imprisoned, her newfound powers guiding her towards her ex-boyfriend's hideout. As she confronted him, he cowered in fear, realizing the monster he had created. But Elena felt no mercy towards him - she wanted nothing more than to make him pay for what he had done to her. With a ferocious roar, she unleashed her wrath upon him, her demonic powers overpowering him with ease. As he lay defeated at her feet, Elena felt a surge of satisfaction - she had avenged herself, but at what cost? The memories of her past life still haunted her, the pain and betrayal she had endured etched deep within her soul. But now, as a demon, she felt a sense of freedom and empowerment she had never known before. She embraced her newfound identity, knowing that she could never go back to who she once was. And so, Elena roamed the world as a demon, seeking out those who had wronged her and exacting her revenge upon them. With each soul she claimed, she felt a twisted sense of satisfaction, feeding on the darkness within her. But deep down, Elena knew that a part of her would always be human, that the memories of her past life would forever haunt her. And as she wandered the world, a lone figure cloaked in shadows, she wondered if she would ever find peace, or if she was doomed to forever be a slave to the demon within her.