You survived the sickness but you are not the same everyone is given a color based on their disorder greens enhanced intelligence blues telekinesis yellows can manipulate electricity reds can set anything on fire but your eyes turned purple and that’s not on the list

When the sickness first hit, no one really knew what was happening. People started developing strange abilities, powers that no one could explain. The world was divided into greens, blues, yellows, and reds, each with their own unique power based on the color of their disorder. It was a strange and terrifying time, filled with uncertainty and fear. I was one of the lucky ones who survived the sickness. But I was not the same as I was before. While everyone else was given a color and a power, my eyes turned a deep shade of purple, a color that was not on the list. People whispered and stared at me, unsure of what to make of my strange and mysterious eyes. I tried to hide my difference, to blend in with the others who had been affected by the sickness. But it was impossible. My purple eyes marked me as an outcast, a freak among the others who had powers that they could control and use. As time went on, I began to notice strange things happening around me. Objects would move on their own when I was near them, as if responding to some unseen force. I could sense emotions and thoughts from those around me, a gift that seemed to be tied to my unusual eyes. One day, as I walked down the street, I saw a group of reds using their powers to set fire to a building. The flames leapt high into the sky, casting a warm glow over the surrounding area. I felt a strange pull towards the fire, as if it was calling out to me, beckoning me to come closer. Without thinking, I reached out towards the flames, my hands tingling with a strange energy. To my surprise, the fire responded to my touch, swirling and dancing in intricate patterns as if under my command. The reds looked on in shock and awe, unable to understand how someone with purple eyes could wield such power. Word spread quickly of my abilities, and soon I became a target for those who feared and mistrusted me. I was hunted and pursued, forced to flee from those who sought to control or destroy me. The world had become a dangerous and chaotic place, ravaged by powers that could not be contained or controlled. But despite the dangers that surrounded me, I refused to hide or cower in fear. I embraced my abilities, learning to harness and control the power that flowed through me. I discovered that my purple eyes were not a curse, but a gift, a sign of my unique and extraordinary abilities. As the days passed and the world continued to descend into chaos, I realized that I was meant for something greater. I had a purpose, a destiny that called to me from deep within my soul. I was not like the others who had been affected by the sickness. I was something more, something different. And so, with a newfound sense of purpose and determination, I set out to make my mark on the world. I used my powers to help those in need, to protect the innocent and defend the weak. I became a symbol of hope and courage, a beacon of light in a dark and troubled world. And though my journey was fraught with danger and hardship, I never faltered or wavered in my resolve. I knew that I was destined for greatness, that my purple eyes were a sign of my true potential. And as I looked out at the world before me, I knew that I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For I was not just a survivor of the sickness. I was a warrior, a hero, a legend in the making. And with my purple eyes blazing with power and determination, I set out to change the world for the better, one day at a time.