Chucky and Tiffany’s children Glen and Glenda Tiffany calls Glenda chunky Glenda snaps in the school courtyard throws her backpack at another student for asking her to borrow her things and throws a ball at the principal trying to cheer her up Tiffany takes her to the mall to buy her clothes still heartbroken about her mothers hurtful words she throws a massive tantrum there embarrassed and frustrated Tiffany throws her over her shoulder Chucky, Glen, and the onlookers in shock Chucky tried to talk to her at home he drops his mug in shock when she said that he tells Tiffany and gets her an outing her her crazy aunts Patty and Selma they sing who gives a crap by The Simpsons in the park Glenda joins them Tiffany apologizes to her daughter still hurt they do a therapy session to realize how much they love each other and hug it out as a family

Once upon a time in a small suburban town, Chucky and Tiffany were living their unconventional life with their two children, Glen and Glenda. Their family was far from ordinary, being a mix of love, chaos, and a hint of horror. Glen was a quiet and shy boy, always seeking approval from his parents, while his twin sister Glenda was wild and rebellious, unapologetic about her unique personality. One fateful day at school, Glenda found herself pushed to her limits. Tiffany had accidentally called her "Chunky Glenda" that morning, triggering a flood of emotions within the fiery-haired girl. She simmered with anger throughout the day until it inevitably erupted in the crowded school courtyard. A classmate approached Glenda, innocently asking to borrow her things, but in her rage, she flung her backpack at him, startling everyone around. Even the principal was not spared, as Glenda hurled a ball his way, trying to cheer up his gloomy face. Horrified by her daughter's outburst, Tiffany tried to find a way to mend their broken bond. She decided to take Glenda to the mall and spoil her with new clothes, hoping it would ease her troubled heart. However, the wounds of her mother's hurtful words were still fresh, causing Glenda to throw a massive tantrum in the middle of the bustling mall. People stared, their eyes filled with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. Unable to bear the embarrassment any longer, Tiffany scooped up Glenda, slinging her over her shoulder, and rushed towards the exit. Chucky, Glen, and the onlookers watched in shock as Tiffany carried Glenda away like an angry storm. Back at home, Chucky attempted to have a heart-to-heart with Glenda. As he poured his heart out, sharing his own experiences of being misunderstood, Glenda dropped a bombshell. "I hate being called Chunky Glenda," she confessed. The mug Chucky was holding shattered into pieces on the floor as he struggled to process her words. Chucky relayed the heart-wrenching confession to Tiffany, realizing the deep pain their daughter had been carrying. Determined to help Glenda find solace, Chucky planned an outing with her crazy aunts, Patty and Selma, from The Simpsons. In an attempt to bring some joy back into Glenda's life, they all headed to the park, where Patty and Selma taught Glenda a song from their favorite show, The Simpsons, called "Who Gives a Crap." As the lyrics filled the park, Glenda found solace in the absurdity and began to loosen up. Tiffany, still hurting from her daughter's words, approached Glenda, her voice trembled with remorse as she apologized for the hurtful nickname she had bestowed upon her. In an effort to mend their frayed relationship, Tiffany and Glenda attended therapy together. During the sessions, they both realized the depth of love they felt for one another. Tears streaming down their faces, they hugged it out, embracing the unique traits that made their family beautifully imperfect. From that day forward, Chucky, Tiffany, Glen, and Glenda stood united as a family, never forgetting the journey that had brought them closer together. They knew that love, understanding, and acceptance were the keys to their happiness, no matter how unconventional their lives may be.