A nice 190 year old vampire that looks like a 13 year old human but enjoys going on adventures or at least did,she found that while she was gone as a human her father tried to find her but he burnt so now she lives in a human world roomating with friends not ready to tell them she is a vampire but still dorms with them in collage as a 19 year old

In the bustling city of New Haven, there lived a unique creature named Amara. She was not like any other resident of the city - she was a 190-year-old vampire who looked like a 13-year-old human girl. Despite her age, Amara's youthful appearance allowed her to blend in seamlessly with the humans around her. Amara had always been a free spirit, craving adventure and excitement. She spent her nights roaming the city streets, seeking out new experiences and thrills. But one night, while she was out on one of her nightly excursions, tragedy struck. Amara returned to her small apartment to find her father waiting for her. He had been searching for her for years, desperate to reunite with his beloved daughter. But when he saw what she had become, his shock and horror were too much to bear. In a fit of rage, he attacked her, not realizing that a vampire's skin was impervious to fire. Amara watched in horror as her father burned before her eyes. Guilt and sadness consumed her, and she made the difficult decision to leave her home and start a new life elsewhere. She packed her belongings and left New Haven behind, determined to make a fresh start. Amara soon found herself in a new city, far from her old life. She enrolled in college, eager to expand her horizons and meet new people. She quickly made friends with a group of fellow students, all of whom were unaware of her true identity. As the years passed, Amara grew closer to her friends, forming deep bonds with each of them. But she couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that weighed heavily on her heart. She longed to tell her friends the truth about who she really was, but she was afraid of their reaction. Would they reject her once they learned the truth? Despite her fears, Amara continued to live among her friends, keeping her secret hidden deep within her heart. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of human life - studying, partying, and laughing with her friends. But deep down, she knew that she was living a lie. One night, as Amara sat alone in her room, she made a decision. She couldn't continue to deceive her friends any longer. Gathering her courage, she invited them over for a gathering, determined to reveal the truth once and for all. As her friends arrived, Amara took a deep breath and began to speak. She told them the story of her past, of her true identity as a vampire. At first, her friends were shocked and afraid, unsure of what to make of this revelation. But as they listened to her story, their fear gave way to understanding and acceptance. Amara's friends embraced her, offering their support and love. They assured her that nothing would change between them, that they would always be there for her no matter what. And in that moment, Amara knew that she had found her true family, her true home. With her friends by her side, Amara felt a sense of peace and contentment that she had never known before. She continued to live among the humans, attending classes and going on adventures, but now she did so with the knowledge that she was truly accepted for who she was. And so, Amara's life as a 19-year-old vampire living among humans was a tale of acceptance, friendship, and love. She had finally found her place in the world, surrounded by those who cared for her deeply. And as she looked out at the city lights twinkling in the distance, she knew that she was exactly where she belonged.