A Teifling with pale red skin and heterocromia (one eye red one eye purple) and knee length black hair with red and purple undertones and small bagpipes along with a rapier and daggers is in her dorm with her best friend Assandra

In the dimly lit dorm room, a Tiefling with pale red skin and heterochromia, one eye red and the other purple, sat cross-legged on her bed. Her knee-length black hair with red and purple undertones cascaded down her back, the ends brushing against the floor. She held a set of small bagpipes in her hands, gently playing a haunting melody that filled the room. Beside her, her best friend Assandra watched with a mix of fascination and admiration. She had never seen her friend play the bagpipes before, and the music seemed to cast a spell over the room. The Tiefling's fingers moved deftly over the pipes, creating a melancholy tune that seemed to speak of lost loves and forgotten dreams. Assandra knew that her friend was more than just a talented musician. She also possessed impressive skills in combat, as evidenced by the rapier and daggers that sat on a nearby table. The weapons gleamed in the soft glow of the room, a silent reminder of the dangers that lurked outside the safety of the dorm walls. As the music reached its crescendo, the Tiefling finally stopped playing and set the bagpipes aside. She turned to Assandra with a smile, her mismatched eyes glittering in the dim light. "What do you think?" she asked, her voice soft but filled with confidence. Assandra could only shake her head in awe. "That was incredible, Elysia," she whispered. "I had no idea you were so talented." Elysia grinned, her sharp teeth glinting in the darkness. "There's a lot you don't know about me, my friend," she said. "But enough about that. How was your day?" Assandra sighed and flopped back onto the bed, her long blonde hair spilling over the pillows. "Same old, same old," she murmured. "Just studying and trying to survive Professor Thorne's class." Elysia chuckled, the sound like silver bells. "He's a tough one, that's for sure. But you'll get through it. You always do." Assandra smiled gratefully at her friend. Elysia had always been there for her, through thick and thin. They had met on the first day of classes, and had been inseparable ever since. As they chatted and laughed, a sudden knock on the door interrupted them. Elysia frowned, her sharp ears twitching at the sound. "Who could that be?" she wondered aloud. Assandra shrugged, sitting up on the bed. "I'll go check," she offered, heading to the door. As she opened it, a figure loomed in the hallway. It was a tall, imposing man with a scarred face and a wild look in his eyes. He held a sword in one hand, the blade glinting ominously in the dim light. "Who are you?" Assandra demanded, her voice steady despite the fear that gripped her heart. The man smirked, his scarred lips twisting in a cruel smile. "I'm here for the Tiefling," he growled, his eyes fixed on Elysia. Elysia rose to her feet, her hand instinctively reaching for her daggers. "What do you want with me?" she asked, her voice cold and dangerous. The man's grin widened. "Oh, just a little revenge," he sneered. "You thought you could escape your past, but I've finally caught up with you." Elysia's eyes narrowed, her muscles tense and ready for action. She knew that her past had been a dark and dangerous one, filled with betrayal and bloodshed. But she had hoped to leave it all behind when she had enrolled in the academy. Assandra watched in horror as the man advanced, his sword raised and ready to strike. Without thinking, she grabbed Elysia's rapier from the table and tossed it to her friend. "Defend yourself," she cried, her voice filled with fear and determination. Elysia caught the rapier in a fluid motion, the blade gleaming in her hand. She squared her shoulders and met the man's gaze, her eyes burning with a fierce resolve. "You want a fight?" she growled, her voice low and dangerous. "Then you've got one." And with that, the room erupted into chaos as the man lunged at Elysia, his sword flashing in the darkness. But the Tiefling was more than ready for him, her movements swift and graceful as she parried and dodged his attacks. Assandra could only watch in awe as her friend fought with a skill and ferocity that she had never seen before. Elysia moved like a whirlwind, her rapier and daggers driving the man back with each strike. Finally, with a swift motion, she disarmed him and held her blade at his throat, her eyes flashing triumphantly. "Who sent you?" she demanded, her voice cold and menacing. The man sneered, his face twisted in defeat. "It doesn't matter," he spat. "You can't escape your past forever, Tiefling. One day, it will catch up with you." And with that ominous warning, he slumped to the floor, defeated and broken. Elysia stood over him, her chest heaving with exertion. She looked at Assandra, her eyes filled with a mix of pride and gratitude. "Thank you for believing in me," she said softly. Assandra could only smile in return, her heart filled with admiration for her fearless friend. And as the night wore on, the two girls sat together in their dorm room, their bond stronger than ever. Elysia played her bagpipes once more, the haunting melody filling the room with a sense of peace and camaraderie. And as they drifted off to sleep, Assandra knew that no matter what dangers lay ahead, she would always have her Tiefling friend by her side, ready to face them together.