The demigods find out that Zeus and Hera had been abusing Apollo his entire life

The demigods were gathered in the throne room of Mount Olympus, their faces somber as they listened to the shocking revelation revealed by Hermes, the messenger of the gods. The news had spread like wildfire among the divine beings, and now it was up to the demigods to decide what to do with this information. "It's true," Hermes said, his voice grave. "Zeus and Hera have been abusing Apollo his entire life." Gasps filled the room as the demigods processed this startling news. Apollo, the god of the sun, music, and healing, was one of their closest allies and friends. How could such a thing be happening to him? "What kind of abuse?" questioned Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and Apollo's twin sister, her eyes flashing with anger. Hermes hesitated before continuing. "Physical, emotional, and psychological. They have been belittling him, punishing him unfairly, and causing him great pain. It's been going on for centuries, and Apollo has suffered in silence all this time." Outrage swept through the demigods as they realized the extent of the mistreatment that Apollo had endured. They had always known that Zeus and Hera were demanding and sometimes merciless rulers, but they never imagined that they would target one of their own children in such a cruel manner. "We have to do something," declared Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategy. "We can't let this injustice continue. Apollo deserves better than this." The demigods rallied together, formulating a plan to confront Zeus and Hera and demand justice for Apollo. They knew it would not be easy, as the king and queen of the gods were powerful and had a history of acting impulsively when challenged. But they were determined to stand up for their friend and make sure that he was treated with the respect and care he deserved. They ventured to the throne room of Zeus and Hera, their hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and resolve. The divine couple sat upon their thrones, their expressions cold and distant as they regarded the demigods with curiosity. "What brings you here?" Zeus boomed, his voice thundering through the room. "We know about the abuse of Apollo," Athena stated boldly. "And we demand that you stop mistreating him immediately." Zeus and Hera exchanged glances, their faces betraying a hint of surprise at the demigods' boldness. But then Zeus' face hardened, and he rose from his throne, his eyes blazing with anger. "How dare you accuse us of such things?" he thundered. "Apollo is a god, and he is subject to our rule. We have every right to discipline him as we see fit." "But not to abuse him!" shouted Ares, the god of war, his voice filled with fury. "You have gone too far, and we will not stand idly by while you continue to torment our friend." Hera's eyes flashed with a mixture of defiance and guilt as she looked at the demigods gathered before her. "You have no right to interfere in our family affairs," she retorted. "Apollo is under our care, and we will do what we deem necessary to maintain order in the heavens." The demigods stood their ground, their determination unwavering as they faced the wrath of the king and queen of the gods. They knew that their actions could have consequences, but they were willing to risk it all to protect Apollo from further harm. Suddenly, a voice rang out in the throne room, cutting through the tension like a bolt of lightning. It was Apollo himself, his radiant presence filling the room with warmth and light. "I cannot allow this to continue," he said, his voice filled with sadness and resignation. "I have suffered in silence for far too long, but I will not stand by while my friends are threatened for standing up for me." Zeus and Hera's expressions softened slightly as they looked at their son, the god of the sun, whose beauty and grace were unmatched in all of Olympus. They knew that they had overstepped their bounds and had caused great harm to Apollo through their actions. "We...we did not realize the extent of the pain we were causing you, Apollo," Hera whispered, her voice filled with regret. "We were blinded by our own power and pride, and we lost sight of the love we should have shown you as your parents." Apollo gazed at his mother and father with a mixture of forgiveness and sorrow. "I know that you have your reasons for your actions," he said softly. "But it is time for us to heal our wounds and move forward as a family, united in love and understanding." The demigods watched in awe as Apollo's words seemed to penetrate the hearts of Zeus and Hera, who bowed their heads in shame and humility. They knew that they had much to atone for, but they were willing to make amends and rebuild their relationship with their son. And so, the demigods and the gods of Olympus came together to heal the wounds of the past, to mend the broken bonds of family, and to forge a new future filled with compassion, respect, and understanding. Apollo's light shone brighter than ever before, illuminating the heavens with its warmth and beauty, a beacon of hope for all who had suffered and found healing in the power of forgiveness.