Affair Outside of Time Wes Collins and Jen Scotts, the Red and Pink Time Force Rangers, can’t be together because they are separated by centuries, so Jen finds a place outside of time and space where they can secretly be together and have a clandestine affair their superiors don’t know about. How long will it be before they’re discovered, and what will happen when they are?

In the bustling city of Silver Hills, Wes Collins and Jen Scotts were known as the Red and Pink Time Force Rangers, fighting side by side to protect the future from the forces of evil. But despite their strong bond on the battlefield, they shared a forbidden secret that could destroy everything they had worked for. Their love for each other had blossomed during their time together as teammates, but their romance was strictly forbidden by the Time Force rules. Wes and Jen were from different time periods, separated by centuries, their love deemed impossible by the laws of time itself. Desperate to be together, Jen discovered a hidden place outside of time and space where they could secretly meet without anyone knowing. It was a small secluded clearing surrounded by lush green trees and the gentle babbling of a nearby stream. In this magical place, time seemed to stand still, allowing Wes and Jen to steal moments of happiness away from the prying eyes of their superiors. Their clandestine affair became a refuge from the harsh reality they faced every day, a sanctuary where their love could blossom freely. They would meet under the cover of darkness, sharing stolen kisses and whispered promises of forever. But as days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, the fear of discovery loomed over them like a dark cloud. Despite their best efforts to keep their relationship a secret, suspicions began to rise among their teammates. The other Rangers noticed the subtle glances and exchanged smiles between Wes and Jen, and rumors began to spread like wildfire throughout the Time Force headquarters. One fateful day, their secret was finally uncovered. As they met in their hidden clearing, a group of Time Force officers appeared out of nowhere, their faces filled with anger and disappointment. Wes and Jen were immediately separated and brought back to headquarters, where they faced a tribunal of their peers. The Time Force council was quick to judge their actions, deeming their relationship a violation of the rules and regulations that governed their organization. Wes and Jen were stripped of their Ranger status and banished from the Time Force, forced to live out their days in exile away from the only life they had ever known. Devastated by the loss of everything they had worked for, Wes and Jen were left with nothing but each other. They fled to the outskirts of Silver Hills, where they lived in hiding, always looking over their shoulders for any sign of the Time Force coming after them. But despite the hardships they faced, Wes and Jen's love never wavered. They found solace in each other's arms, drawing strength from the unbreakable bond they shared. In the quiet moments of their new life, they dreamed of a future where they could be together without fear of judgment or retribution. As the years passed, their love remained a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness. They always believed that one day, they would find a way to be together again, to rewrite the rules of time and space that kept them apart. And in the end, Wes and Jen's love proved to be stronger than any force in the universe. They found a way to transcend time itself, reuniting in a place where their love could thrive without boundaries or limitations. Together, they lived out their days in blissful harmony, their affair outside of time a testament to the power of true love conquering all obstacles.