Playing Faro at White’s Gentleman’s Club seemed the best alternative to ease Lord Jonathan Meriwether for the time being. Unfortunately at the country dance, he struck out on keeping a relationship with Miss Odessa Woodbury. For reasons of her own she’d walked out on him.

Lord Jonathan Meriwether sat at the mahogany table, cigarette smoke swirling around him as he studied his hand of cards. The stakes were high tonight at White's Gentleman's Club, but he wasn't concerned. Faro had always been his game, and he was skilled at bluffing his way to victory. As he placed his bet, he couldn't help but think of Miss Odessa Woodbury, the beautiful young woman he had met at the country dance just a week prior. She had captivated him from the moment he laid eyes on her, her golden curls and sparkling blue eyes drawing him in like a moth to a flame. But now, as he sat playing cards with his fellow gentlemen, he couldn't shake the memory of their last meeting. He had thought things were going well between them, that they had a connection that went beyond mere flirtation. But then, out of nowhere, she had excused herself from their conversation and walked out of the room without a second glance. Lord Meriwether couldn't understand what had gone wrong. Had he said something to offend her? Was she simply not interested in him after all? He couldn't fathom the reason behind her sudden departure, and it gnawed at him like a persistent itch that he couldn't scratch. As the game of Faro continued, Lord Meriwether found himself distracted, his thoughts drifting back to Miss Woodbury. He remembered their dance together, the way she had smiled up at him as they twirled around the room. He recalled the sparkle in her eyes and the warmth of her hand in his as they moved in perfect harmony to the music. But now, all of that seemed like a distant memory. Miss Woodbury had made it clear that she was not interested in pursuing a relationship with him, and Lord Meriwether couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at the missed opportunity. He had been so sure that she was the one, the woman who could finally capture his heart and make him whole. But now, as he sat at the card table, surrounded by his friends and fellow club members, he knew that he would have to put his feelings for Miss Woodbury aside. He couldn't afford to dwell on what could have been, not when there was a game to be won and a reputation to uphold. And so, with a steely resolve, Lord Meriwether refocused his attention on the cards in front of him. He calculated his odds, weighed his options, and made his move with a confidence that belied the turmoil churning inside him. As the game reached its climax, Lord Meriwether found himself in a winning position. His opponents were no match for his skill and cunning, and soon he was raking in the pot with a satisfied smirk on his face. But even as he celebrated his victory, a part of him couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for what could have been. Miss Woodbury was the one who got away, the one who had slipped through his fingers like sand. And try as he might, Lord Meriwether couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost something precious that night at the country dance. As the evening drew to a close and the gentlemen began to disperse, Lord Meriwether lingered at the card table, lost in his thoughts and memories. He knew that he would never forget Miss Woodbury, the woman who had captured his heart and then disappeared without a trace. But as he rose from his seat and made his way to the door, a sense of determination settled over him. He may have struck out with Miss Woodbury, but he was not one to give up easily. There were plenty more dances to be had, plenty more opportunities to meet someone new and start afresh. And as he stepped out into the London night, Lord Jonathan Meriwether knew that he would not rest until he found the one who would truly make his heart sing. For playing Faro at White's Gentleman's Club may have eased his mind for the time being, but true love was a game he was determined to win.